A marketing strategy you simply cannot afford to ignore especially if YOU are the product!
Are YOU the product you need to market?
Do you offer a service as a consultant, speaker, counselor, life coach or ‘expert’ in a niche?
If so, you’re probably aware of how critical it is for your business that YOU, and not just your services, appeal to your market. Some marketing gurus would go so far as to say that YOU are the deciding factor in a potential client’s mind.
I’m sure you can appreciate why. Who would you rather do business with? Someone you like and feel a rapport with or someone you don’t?
In services where trust is especially important, your potential client wants to know that YOU can be trusted and that they will feel comfortable with you.
How will they ‘know’ this? By feeling it. It is not an exercise in objectivity. It’s a highly subjective, *feeling* thing.
So, how do you stack the cards up in your favor when it comes to creating a trustworthy, feel-good impression of yourself with people who don’t know you from a byte of html code?
It is one of the most effective ways of letting potential clients get to know you beyond the product or service you sell. And it need only take a few minutes.
As you know, an interview is a conversation between two people. One asks questions and the other answers. If not done properly, this format can feel contrived and rigid where both interviewer and interviewee are too afraid to depart from their prepared ‘script’. But in the hands of a skilled interviewer, a Q&A can set up a vibrant conversation where you, the interviewee, can shine!
A good interview lets you showcase the best of who you and your product or service are without ‘hard selling’, deception or deflection. Instead, you engage in a dialogue that develops smoothly and naturally, allowing you to share some of your cherished ideas in a sincere and uniquely personal way.
Your potential clients want to get to know you as a person, not just an ‘expert’. An interview helps that to happen by reducing the ‘distance’ between you and them, making you accessible. It is how you create rapport without exchanging even one word with them!
Besides, your potential clients will generally appreciate, if only subconsciously, the risk that you are taking by revealing yourself to them, a risk they don’t have to take just yet!
Still not convinced of the importance of interviews as a marketing strategy? Think of any successful ‘guru’ and you’ll notice that giving interviews is an essential item in their marketing arsenal.
Interested in being interviewed? I’d love to discuss possibilities with you!
M J Dew
Your Product, My Passion!
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